
(Japanese) meaning "infinite", "dream" or "fantasy" depending on the specific script used to spell it.

And this platform is exactly that. It is infinite. It is a fantastic dream. There are no limits to your creativity here.

Write and submit in your favourite genre, without a minimum or maximum word limit and we will showcase your work.

The only catch is that we need to be able to get through the piece without finding a single spelling or grammatical error because we genuinely do not have the time to edit your content or go back and forth over email requesting a re-write.

So before you submit, make sure you:

  1. Check your piece for spelling, grammar and punctuation errors.
    Use a free plugin like Grammarly to edit your copy.
  2. Include a good quality profile photo that shows your actual face.
    Your readers will want to put a face to your name after getting blown away by your piece :)
  3. Include a short 200 character (not word!) bio.
    If your bio exceeds 200 characters, we will delete the last sentence before publishing.

And that's IT.

Just 3 simple guidelines to follow.

Again, we're very sorry to even be typing this but if your content does not fulfil point 1 above, we will not be publishing it.

So what are you waiting for? Send them all to [email protected]

We can't wait to see the kind of poems, short stories, journalistic articles, haikus, listicles, film scripts etc that you're going to come up with!

Happy writing :)